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So far mystories has created 93 blog entries.

Recent press


A couple pleasant surprises this past week. BC living featured 7 Canadian clothing brands,  including Dear Pony and Lilikoi , another Nelson brand. Here's the link to the whole article. Next Photo 3 of 8 Image by: Dear Pony Dear Pony Tracy Fillion creates her handmade pieces in her home studio in Nelson, BC. She uses primarily [...]

Recent press2018-01-23T19:43:31+00:00

Summer Drinks


Clcik on these links for the recipes and source of these delicious looking summer drinks! from the top Rosemary peach summer fizz,  Flower water ( I couldn't find the source,  basically fresh picked edible flowers mixed in with you ice cubes,  I think this would be great in a simple drink like  a vodka soda [...]

Summer Drinks2018-01-23T19:43:31+00:00



My husband and I went to Portland for 5 days last week. We had an amazing time,  the weather was perfect and the drive from Nelson was lovely.  We stayed in the NW area and having brought our bicycles we were able to ride to all the areas we wanted to visit easily.  The following [...]


What I’m learning from my dogs.


I was thinking about this as I was falling asleep last night.   I don't geek out about my pets all the time.       From the top: Ruby taught me that if your super positive all the time and just want to have fun you can pretty much get away with anything. Beamish [...]

What I’m learning from my dogs.2018-01-23T19:43:31+00:00

Home care DIY


I just came across  the blog Sincerely Kinsey .  The  project category is fantastic! Beautiful images, simple instructions,  I love it. Here's a little peak.   Homemade dryer sheets,  lipgloss and dry shampoo. There's a lot more where these came from.   right here.  I feel like sending this gal some flowers for having such a nice [...]

Home care DIY2018-01-23T19:43:31+00:00

Tutorial: Paper garland screen or mobile


  I made these garlands a couple weeks ago. It was so easy and affordable I have to share.  I started out by painting white poster board (more like paper)  with a watered down light grey,  the original white was a very unnatural stark chaulky white.  Next I screen printed some geometric images in a very [...]

Tutorial: Paper garland screen or mobile2018-01-23T19:43:31+00:00

Tutorial: How to make a triangle garland screen for under $10


          I made these garlands a couple weeks ago. It was so easy and affordable I have to share.  I started out by painting white poster board (more like paper)  with a watered down light grey,  the original white was a very unnatural stark chaulky white.  Next I screen printed some [...]

Tutorial: How to make a triangle garland screen for under $102018-01-23T19:43:31+00:00
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